The teams of Fekre Bartar and Pyramid Chess Clubs of Iran, the SGChessHub@JurongSpring and the Bangladesh Police Chess Club are amont the early leaders of the Asian Club Cup Hybrid Chess Championship being held 2-11 November 2021 on Tornelo. Visit for round by round pairings and standings and to download games.
Pyramid and Fars Youth played in the same venue above.
Bangladesh Police team played at the Bangladesh Chess Federation headquarters.
Singapore teams played at the Singapore Chess Federation headquarters.
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The Asian Club Cup Hybrid Chess Championship is a 9-round Swiss System tournament hosted by the Iran Chess Federation under the auspices of the Asian Chess Federation. A total of 126 players in 14 club teams are competing. Standard time control is 90 minutes for the whole game with increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move 1.
Each playing venue is controlled by a Local Chief Arbiter and Local Technical Assistant. Opposing teams are together in a breakout room controlled by a Zoom Arbiter.
Asian Chess Federation Technical Delegate is Casto Abundo, Chief Arbiter is IA Abdulrahim Mahdi of the UAE, Deputy Chief Arbiter is Haroon or Rashid of Banglandesh, Fair Play Officer is IA Shaun Press of PNG, Tournament Director is Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh of Iran, Appeals Committee Chairman is Luxman Wijesuriya, president of Sri Lanka chess Federation.
Competition is over 6 boards with 4 men (open) and 2 women plus reserves. Individual board awards are also at stake.
The two strongest teams, Iran’s Pyramid and Bangladesh Police, are each powered by two Grandmasters and other titled players financially well supported by their sponsors.