IIEE Team Singapore Wins 3rd D’Engineers Cup Chess Tournament

Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers (IIEE) team Singapore bested 11 teams from different engineering associations of the Philippines winning against the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers, Institute of Electronic Engineers of the Philippines (IECEP), IIEE Southern Laguna and IIEE Metro South with all identical 4-1 match points.
The 1-day rapid chess team tournament held March 8, 2025 at the Koten Enterprises Inc. Corporate office in F.B. Harrison Street, Pasay City, Philippines.
The 5-man team of IIEE Singapore was composed of Joseph Lawrence Rivera, John Andrew Garcia, Andrew San Antonio Jr., top board 3 AIM Mark Oliver Ingcad and top board 5 Jason Medina. Team Captain/Manager of IIEE Singapore was Engr. Julius Ampo.
IIEE Metro South (MSC), IIEE Southern Laguna (SLC) and IIEE Quezon (QC) were tied with identical 3-1 win-loss but IIEE won the tie break by virtue of its win against IIEE QC in the first round.

Top board 1 was won  Eric Mordido of MSC, top board 2 by Mikhail Laoagan of SLC and top board 4 by Rommel Lucion of IIEE QC.

Loagan, Mordido, Freddie Talaboc of Geodetic Engineer of the Philippines and AFM Don Henry Naperi of Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers had perfect scores on their boards hence a sudden death match was set to settle the top honors.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers bannered by IM Bagamasbad won the top APO (Accredited Professional Organization) as its members accumulated a total score of 9 points.

Other teams that participated in the event were IIEE Metro Central, IIEE Metro East and Society of Aerospace Engineers of the Philippines (SAEP).

IIEE Singapore won P7,000 while IIEE Metro Sout P3,000 and the top boards for P1,000 each.

Other honours given during the event were top guest for CEO Jeff Bugayong, online In-season and Regular Champion IIEE Quezon winning a total of P7,000 and 2 paintings from Life ‘N Arts, runner up IIEE Saudi and IIEE Metro Central winning P1,500 each.

Other dignitaries who graced the affair were Asia’s First GM Eugene Torre, PRBEE Chairman Francis Mapile, PSME Foundation President Roger Reyes, PTC Country Registrar Romulo Agatep, Leo Tito Ausan Jr., PTC President Federico Monsada, IIEE Golden Sports chairman Menandro Lim, IIEE National President Alberto Herrera Jr.  NM Marlon Bernardino, NM Romeo Alcodia and 2021 IIEE National President organized the tournament.